Our highly successful Vets side get several outings a season with Elliott England leading the charge as Captain / Chief Procurer of Port. Fixtures are often played under Friday night lights or on non-league weekends.
Our highly successful Vets side get several outings a season with Elliott England leading the charge as Captain / Chief Procurer of Port. Fixtures are often played under Friday night lights or on non-league weekends.
Perfect for those who want social rugby played at a competitive level, our Vets side is open to any player regardless of experience who is over 35. Most of our Vets are either playing regularly for our other senior sides or just run out for specific Vets fixtures, as such training takes place with the rest of the adult section every Tuesday and Thursday from 19.30 at our own fantastic club facility - Eric Hodgkins Memorial Ground (Colley Lane, RH2 9JB). Feel free to just turn up or drop us an enquiry today